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Tell your story. 

Stand out from the crowd with a video resume. Talk about your skills and interests and everything you'll bring to the table. Let employers get to know you even before the interview. 


How It Works

01. Start With Your Resume

Upload your existing resume, or answer our guided questions about your skills and experience to start from scratch.

02. Tell Your Story

We'll text you a link to view question prompts and film a short video introducing yourself to employers. We will also text a link to any references you listed, asking for their testimonials.

03. Let The World Get to Know You

Once all videos have been received, your 360 resuME will be generated and emailed to you. You can share it with any employers or job applications just like you would a traditional resume. 


Everyone Is Different

Employment looks different for everyone. The 360 resuME is designed for jobseekers that are re-skilling, veterans, or anyone with a nontraditional path to employment.  


About 360 resuME

What We Are

People hire people -- not work histories. The 360 resuME is designed to showcase YOU. We're putting the humanity back in hiring, and letting managers connect with applicants before the interview. 

What We Are Not

We're not another job board, marketplace, or Applicant Tracking System, because everyone already has too many logins and passwords. 


In Collaboation With

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Powered by HI*

*Human Intelligence. There's just something more authentic about telling your own story.

Get a Demo

Create your 360 resuME today!

Sign up now to receive additional information - no purchase necessary! 

Build Your Resume

You'll hear from us soon!

919 413-3066

Made with Purpose in Durham, NC

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